SEL - Social and Emotional Learning

41 toys with this attribute

Toy Category Status
685: I am Mandala 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
450: The We Do Game - Toddler Edition G1 Toddler Games 2+ First games: G1 Toddler Games 2+ In library
147: Flick Bricks 17 Sand and Water Play: 17 Sand and Water Play On loan
1483: Duplo Police Station 21 Duplo Theme Play: 21 Duplo Theme Play On loan
1487: Body Sox - Happy Sack 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
2038: Discovery Mirror 9 Very First Play - Rattles & soft play: 9 Very First Play - Rattles & soft play Lost?
454: Talking Tubes 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys On loan
1030: Teeth #1 40 Scientific Equipment: 40 Scientific Equipment In library
1286: Egg-pressions 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
1704: Feelings and Emotions Memory Game G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
1297: Eggspressions 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys Broken awaiting fixing
1208: Sensory Play House 45 Activity Equipment: 45 Activity Equipment On loan
903: Oogi Family 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
1016: Yoga Cards G3 Lower Primary Games: G3 Lower Primary Games 5+ In library
1976: Fish Race Game G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
63: My Feelings 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
1858: Crawl and See Me Centre 9 Very First Play - Rattles & soft play: 9 Very First Play - Rattles & soft play On loan
2134: Body Poetry Yoga Cards 45 Activity Equipment: 45 Activity Equipment In library
2206: Egg Balance Game G1 Toddler Games 2+ First games: G1 Toddler Games 2+ In library
1294: Pagoda Marble Game 16 Manipulation Toys: 16 Manipulation Toys In library
1490: Little Tikes Activity Garden Safe Mirror 11 Activity Centres: 11 Activity Centres In library
629: Build Me Emotions (45018) 21 Duplo Theme Play: 21 Duplo Theme Play On loan
623: Body Sock - move and movement aid 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
2263: Sand Timer - 3 minute 40 Scientific Equipment: 40 Scientific Equipment On loan
1556: My First Emotions 21 Duplo Theme Play: 21 Duplo Theme Play In library
1696: Memory Doctor G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
2073: Sound Bank Mirror 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys On loan
1685: Rainbomaker 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library
3958: Animal Friends Hand Puppets 34 Puppets/Puppet Theatre: 34 Puppets/Puppet Theatre On loan
1566: Family Diversity Blocks G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ On loan
599: Friends and Neighbours G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
1862: Tummy Time Pack 12 First Handling Toys: 12 First Handling Toys On loan
102: Sign Language Wooden Discs 4C Literacy games, puzzles and learning resources: 4C Letter Play - Literacy Resources In library
1829: Teeth #2 40 Scientific Equipment: 40 Scientific Equipment On loan
142: The We Do Game - Family Edition G3 Lower Primary Games: G3 Lower Primary Games 5+ In library
2076: What Would You Do? Daily Dilemmas G3 Lower Primary Games: G3 Lower Primary Games 5+ On loan
1549: Choices in a Jar G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
2095: Family Portrait Stencils 6 Manual Creation: 6 Manual Creation On loan
1337: Emotiblocks G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ building on basic skills: G2 Preschool Games 3.5+ In library
1316: Madeline's Mirror Tent 13 Toys for Crawlers: 13 Toys for Crawlers On loan
169: Giant Light and Sound Tubes 35 Sensory Toys: 35 Sensory Toys In library